Author: Darrel

Brassed off cast announced!

Andy – Adam Bell
Gloria – Michela Evans
Danny – Richard Evans
Jim – Mike Fields
Harry – Mick Harris
Vera – Liz Keens
Rita – Jenny Sakal
Phil – Charlie McMann
Sandra – Sabrina McMann
Older Shane – Aaron Cook
Younger Shane – Freddie Formon
Melody – Louise Cook
Harmony – Sally Wheeler
Nurse Trudy – Trudy Hartwell (and just as importantly – makes the coffee!)
Nurse Louise – Louise Hemming
Bailiffs – Jenny Haywood, Richard Chambers
Announcers – Tanya Beeton, Tony Allerton


Brassed Off ….Ian Head will be directing this, and we are delighted to have the Marlow Brass Band with us (as many of them as we can get on the Kenton stage, anyway). The play is a poignant comedy drama dealing with the gradual shutdown of the British coal mining industry and the effects on the mining communities. The play centres on the local brass band, drawn from the pit and the local town, and its entry for a national competition at the Albert Hall, set against the background of picket lines, redundancies and the closure of the pit: the show is full of humour, drama, pathos and music, a celebration of human endeavour, and will be a great show to be involved with…plenty of acting roles, and a very different venture for us.

There will be two readings, on June 19th and June 26th, and auditions on 3rd July. If anyone wants to audition at the second reading because of summer commitments, let us know and we can arrange that. Other than that, we have the band, the music stands, the miners’ helmets and we are good to go!


News of awards….. we have three NODA District Winners……Harry Petrie as Edward Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility ( Charles Sumner Award for best male in a play), Sense and Sensibility (Pat Redheard Award for Best Drama) and Alek Auton (Sybil Conway Award for best female in a play)…so many congratulations to Harry and Alek, to the directors, Julie Huntington and Darrel Poulos, and to the casts and crews of the two plays.

Details of the NODA AGM and awards cermonies etc will be sent round separately : we hope that we will be well-represented after such successes and there is always the chance that one of the District Winners might well win the overall award for the whole area…Congratulations also to Vanessa Clayton of HAODS for her award as best female in a musical for “Diana” in “A Chorus Line”.Also congratulations to Julie Huntington , who won the Best Actress award for HAODS for her role as Effie in Effie’s Burning at the Henley Drama Festival at the Kenton Theatre (AND the Magic Moment Award!)…so a very successful season all round.

2017 Henley Drama Festival Success!

Our Festival entry, Seagulls, by Caryl Churchill, was rewarded at the Henley Drama Festival at the Kenton Theatre with a Best Supporting Actor Award for George Petrie as Cliff, so many congratulations to George. Flushed with success, we are now looking forward to performing Seagulls again at the ODN festival at the Unicorn Theatre in Abingdon, on Thursday 8th June (yes, election night, so if you want to escape it, come and support us!!) We will also be performing the play on Friday 9th. June by invitation, to replace HAODS, who have had to drop out, so there’s another chance to see us then.

Last chance to be part of this classic production!

Sense and Sensibility is now well on the way to being cast, but there are still some roles unfilled. There will be one further audition session on Wednesday 31st May at Harpsden Hall, from 8.00pm, to complete the casting.

Roles still not cast are Sir John Middleton (bluff hearty squire), Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (the heroines), Mr. Palmer (young and henpecked), Lucy Steele (snake in the grass) and two “Gossips” (society ladies exchanging gossip at a ball….a few witty lines and a good dress each!): we know that there are several people interested, but we need more!!

Autumn 2017 Production Auditions!

A reminder that readings and auditions for our Autumn 2107 production, Sense and Sensibility, to be directed by Julie Huntington, start as soon as the Henley Drama Festival is over.

Readings are on 9th and 11th May and auditions 16th and 18th May, all in Harpsden Hall and all starting at 8.00pm.

The character list can be found here, and audition pieces are available here, as well as being available at the readings. There is a big cast, so do come along and give the panel plenty to agonise over!

Readings and Auditions for ‘After the Dance’

Our March 2017 production will be ‘After the Dance’ by Terence Rattigan, author of ‘The Browning Version’, ‘The Deep Blue Sea’ and ‘The Winslow Boy’. Directed by Rachel Head. Venue for readings and auditions: Harpsden Hall, 8:00 pm.

There are five female roles, and eight male, of which two double as party guests, across a range of acting ages.

Readings are on 19 and 25 October. Auditions to follow on 26th and 27th October, same time, same place. Rachel’s synopsis can be accessed here. Audition pieces can be accessed here.

Autumn 2016 production events

The readings for Comic Potential, our Autumn 2016 production, to be directed by Mike Huntington, have been arranged for 26th. and 31st. May at Harpsden Hall, beginning at 8.00pm. These will be followed by two auditions, one on 2nd June and the other on 7th.June, both again in Harpsden Hall from 8.00pm. This is a very funny play (and a little off-the wall, if Mike has his way!), so do come along to the readings and auditions and give Mike every support. The character list and synopsis can be accessed here.