Kenton Kudos for our Festival Play

Our festival offering Roman Fever picked up one of the most prestigious prizes – that of best actress. This rather modest play, in comparison with some of the entries, certainly won the heart of the adjudicator for its acting, so much so that she felt she couldn’t separate the award between Liz McEwen and Jenny Haywood and therefore, and extremely unusually, nominated both of them to jointly share the award. So, we are doubly delighted. As director of the play I can’t tell you how proud I was on Saturday watching Liz and Jenny step up onto the stage to receive their prize. They had both worked their socks off in a very short space of time – just seven rehearsals. And let’s not forget Peter Dayton, whose lovely cameo appearance, also drew words of praise from the adjudicator for looking so smart and convincing as the head waiter.

Kate Lindsey, director.

Do come along and support this production at the Wallingford Corn Exchange, 13-17 June.

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